Our first grade students have been putting their finishing touches on their portraits of Mona Lisa. The purpose of the lesson was to teach the children how artists draw portraits showing realism. The children were given the challenge of if they could give the Mona Lisa a makeover, what changes would they make? I really think the children had fun using their imaginations to complete these portraits.
Portrait by: Joseph
Portrait by: Alex
Portrait by: Aubrey
Portrait by: Brooks
Portrait by: Eleanor
Portrait by:Alesandra
Portrait by: Even
The children were also introduced to the next artist we will be learning about, Vincent Van Gogh. I read them the storyCamille and the Sunflowers by: Lawrence Anholt. If you follow the link below, you can hear the story I read to the children.
Camille and the Sunflowers (video)
Camille and the Sunflowers (video)