STEAM night was a huge success recently. Our HES students had a great time making bubble prints with colorful bubbles.
Two of our HES students recently were honored at the CAS awards banquet for their excellence in art and music. Congratulations to Lawton and Juliette!
Here are some examples of Batik that our fourth grade students are working on. We have one more step to go before they are completed. These beautiful toucans will be crumpled up and painted with black india ink to produce a crackle effect.
In second grade we have been working on some oil pastel and watercolor paintings of surreal jungle animals in a landscape. The famous artist Henri Rousseau and Surreal art was combined for these jungle paintings. I think the students enjoyed working on this assignment. The Haddam Elementary art show will be May 22nd 6:30-8:00.
Students in grade four recently completed their sculptures in Art Maker Space. They were so excited to show them off!
Happy New Year!Notes from Mr. Granucci in the Art Room
This month, we have been very busy in the art room learning about famous artists. Some of our student artists have already begun projects based around this year’s theme which will be Henri Rousseau’s Surreal Jungle. Our Kindergarten classes are in the process of finishing up and learning about the famous artist Henri Rousseau. We took a look at one of his paintings “The Snake Charmer”, and wondered what the picture was about and why he painted it. We then designed our own patterned snakes slithering through tall jungle grasses. In first grade, our students have been learning about what surrealism is and how the famous artists interpret that style of painting. We applied our findings to our own beautiful animal portraits from Henri Rousseau’s jungle. The second grade students continue to put their finishing touches on their jungle animals. The combination of florescent and metallic color oil pastels, incorporated with watercolors to create a watercolor resist, are quite stunning. Our third grade students continue to use the famous artist Henri Rousseau as their next inspiration for their current works of art. They recently started portraits of giraffes with a surreal patterned body rather than the typical giraffe spots. We are learning to blend colors using different combinations of paint to create new colors. In fourth grade, our students recently completed their Batiks. Below are a few finished examples. In closing, I’m looking for volunteers to begin the process of mounting the art work for our annual art show in May. I already have quite a load of projects ready to be mounted and name tagged. Please consider helping out. It is a great way to be involved with your child’s education and it’s one of the easiest jobs, as no special talent is needed other than the ability to use a glue gun. The mounting can be done preferably in the art room any time during the day, or at home once I have shown you what to do. Please send an email to [email protected] if you would like to help make the last HES art show the best ever! Mr. Granucci Maker Space in the art room
Our third grade students had an opportunity to build sculptures of snow monsters during art maker space this week. The third grade students were excited to create their snow monsters during an hour and a half session. Click the short video below to see the amazing final results.
I ran into one of my little HES kindergarten friends Matthew, at the New Britain Museum of American Art last week. He was there with his gram-pa, who is learning how to be a docent at the museum. The museum is just the right size and not too overwhelming for elementary age and older kids. It's a wonderful place to take your kids on a rainy day or weekend to see some beautiful works of art. Below is an example of Chihuly's blown glass sculptures which hangs in one of the stairwells. Click the link if you are interested in seeing more information about the museum.
Grade four watercolor paintingsStudents in grade four recently completed their landscape watercolor paintings. As previously posted, we were so fortunate to have an antique car come to HES courtesy of the Gaiss family from town, to draw for part of this assignment. Students had a great time redesigning putting their own spin on and updating their cars to the year 2018. I think you will agree that their finished examples are frame worthy and sure make me proud to be their teacher.
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